Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5th: Marking Period (Fall 2013, Marking Period 2)

Following the grade of 100% I received for the first marking period, I hope for similar results for this marking period. During class time I was generally using my time wisely on work days, and fulfilled my part of the work in the class composition project. I finished all of my work on time by their due dates, though the quality of some of the pieces was not exactly the best I wanted them to be. This is mostly due to the fact my ideas for some of the work did not come together as I had originally planned.  So far in this school year there have been two gallery showings, and I participated in each visit. The last essay I wrote was pretty thoroughly researched and discussed each suggested topic from that unit. Also, the artist pages in my sketchbook I feel were well detailed and were focused on the importance of the subject. I have learned that I do need to focus more on composition itself rather than just the subject matter, specifically how I will create unity in the pieces I make. Planning and organizing ideas for work seems to lead me to numerous possibilities for what to do, but I notice it would help me more if I also planned a specific composition. For the project we are working on now, I had made numerous pieces from a few different ideas, which helped me decide on one over the others that did not work as well. That decision helped me finalize how I will effectively compose and create unity for the final project.

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