Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Artist Statement

Oftentimes many artists create pieces that serve as commentary on the world around them

and how people interact within it. Making use of the self directed freedom, I plan on using my

work as a way to explore this, though more as a way to question what is considered the extent

our world- the physical surroundings or the cultural bubble. I find myself drawn to the design

and purpose of works done by photographers such as Ansel Adams and Steve McCurry, who use

their images as a way to convey the beauty of the physical world and its inhabitants as they are,

while accentuating certain elements, such as light and color, to make the work visually

intriguing. As a way to execute these plans, I want to also juxtapose like images with elements of

pop art, which generally have a deeper contextual meaning. While this style of art is commentary

on popular culture, it concerns the aesthetics of its location. In this exploration I hope to combine

contrasting elements to find ways to convey what comprises the world around us.

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